Overview of Your Scanner Features
FEATR.FM (A4 size) Rev.C
User’s Guide
To scan documents or photos, see "Starting a Scan With the EPSON Creativity Suite" on
page 17.
You can use these project programs in the EPSON Creativity Suite by selecting them in
EPSON File Manager or by selecting them in the EPSON Creativity Suite folder and
running them as standalone programs:
Scan and Copy
to print your scanned image on a printer connected to your computer.
You can enlarge and reduce, print in color or black & white, restore faded colors,
enhance text, and adjust image brightness and contrast. For details, see "Using the
Scanner as a Copier" on page 46.
Copy to Fax
to scan and then fax your images, if you have already installed a fax
program or driver. See the EPSON File Manager or Copy Utility Help for instructions.
Attach to e-mail
to open your e-mail program and attach your image to an e-mail
message. You can also adjust the image size before you attach it.
Easy Photo Print
to open your images in EPSON Easy Photo Print so you can
enhance, lay out, and print your photos on your printer. See EPSON File Manager or
EPSON Easy Photo Print Help for instructions.
Additional project programs may be available, depending on the software you have installed on
your system.