User Manual
Document no. / rev.: ROX000337352_AE
Hydraulic Retrieval Tool
4. Close only the lower ball (closest to the access fitting) at this stage. Use of force shall normally not
be required for closing the valve. If the valve cannot be closed, it is most likely due to one of the
following causes:
a. There are large amounts of sand/debris inside the valve, hampering the rotation of the ball
b. The device is not fully retrieved
c. The device is fully retrieved, but the device length exceeds the capacity of the retriever
To make sure that the device is fully retrieved, pump some additional strokes on the pump, and
check that the pressure inside the retriever increases for each stroke, and stabilizes at the higher
level. If necessary, keep pumping until such stabilization is achieved.
If the valve still cannot be closed, the device must be reinstalled and the valve inspected, in order to
determine the reason for this problem.
5. If the service valve leaks, then check if it is properly closed. Also check that the by-pass valves are
closed. If leaks in the valve cannot be stopped, the plug / probe must be reinstalled, and the service
valve must be serviced. (refer to Roxar HRT Maintenance Procedure ROX000336043)
6. If the pressures cannot be balanced - most likely due to dirt in the by-pass valve - it will be difficult
to open the service valve, especially when the line pressure is high (above 50 bar). The pressure
should then be balanced by use of the pump. To balance the pressures with the pump, use the
following steps:
a. Set the pump to "RETRIEVE", and pump until the probe is fully retrieved.
b. Install the Back Pressure Quick Coupling Assembly (included in the retriever Kit) on the Bleed-
off Valve.
c. Disconnect the hose from the female quick coupling on "the middle of” the retriever and connect
it to the Back Pressure Quick Coupling Assembly on the Bleed-off Valve. Ensure that the bleed
valve is open.
d. Keep the pump in "RETRIEVE" position, and pump until the pressure inside the retriever equals
or exceeds the line pressure. Then close the Bleed-off valve.
e. Move the hose from the Bleed-off Valve back to its original position.
7. The pins must be tightened evenly around the access fitting, in order to avoid the plug being
pushed against one side of the fitting. Therefore, screw in all pins until they touch the plug. Then
tighten one by one approx. 1/4 of a turn and repeat until all locking pins are sufficiently tightened.
Expect a total of 3-4 turns for adequate tightening.
If the locking pins suddenly stop after only 1-3 turns, or if they can easily be screwed all the way in
(4-5 turns) without any resistance, this indicates that the plug is not quite in position. Loosen all
pins, retrieve the plug / probe assembly again, and look for damages that might prevent proper
8. This could mean that the plug is not properly seated or that the service valve leaks, check if it is
properly closed. Also check that the by-pass valves are closed. If leaks in the valve cannot be
stopped, the plug / probe must be reinstalled, and the valve must be serviced and plug inspected
for damage.