User Manual
Document no. / rev.: ROX000337352_AE
Hydraulic Retrieval Tool
c. Disconnect the hose from the male quick coupling on “the top” (install) of “the retrieval tool and
connect it to the back pressure quick coupling assembly on the bleed off valve. Ensure that the
bleed valve is open.
d. Keep the pump in “retrieve” position, and pump until the pressure inside the retriever equals or
exceeds the line pressure. Then close the bleed off valve.
e. Move the hose from the bleed off valve back to its original position.
Open both ball valves in the service valve. Open both ball valves in the service valve.
37. With the line pressure in the retriever, check for leaks between the retriever and the service valve.
If there is a leak, close both ball valves on the service valve, bleed off tool, and take tool off and
inspect the bottom O-ring on the retrieval tool. Start back at step 32 of this procedure.
If no leaks occur, set the pump to “install” and pump until the plug/probe assembly is installed into
its position inside the access fitting. The gauge on the pump will show that the pressure inside the
retriever increases for each new pump stroke, without dropping afterwards. Continuously monitor
the pump pressure during the installation, and do not exceed 100 bar over line pressure.
If the pump pressure increases from the line pressure earlier than expected, stop immediately. If
this occurs, close the service valve and slowly release the pump pressure. See step 28 of this
procedure to release the pressure in the retriever and remove the tool for inspection.
When the plug is installed in the access fitting, apply up to 100 bar over line pressure in the
retriever to ensure that the primary packing on the plug gets properly seated.
Figure 8: Step 37
38. Bleed of the pressure inside the service valve by opening the retrieval tool bleed-off valve carefully.
Use a bucket to catch the fluid and a hose if necessary.
39. Close the bleed-off valve and wait 1-2 minutes and then open again. If pressure build-up occurs,
there is a problem with the primary packing sealing and it needs to be reseated. If problem still
occurs, retrieve plug/probe assembly into the retrieval tool and close both balls on the service
valve. Bleed off the retrieval tool and remove from service valve. Replace primary packing and then
go through the steps to install again.
During the bleed-off, the pump pressure will drop. It’s is important that this
is monitored and that pressure is added to keep the same level during this
part of the process.