User Manual
Document no. / rev.: ROX000337352_AE
Hydraulic Retrieval Tool
If the above points are inspected and no signs of damages, corrosion or missing functionality are
discovered, the tool can be used.
Routine Maintenance
If an on-site pressure test of the retrieval tool is required before operation is started, this can be done
by doing the back-pressuring sequence with the plug in the fitting.
With the plug in the fitting, service valve and retriever properly installed do the following:
1. Connect the pump (or any other application pressure source) to the retriever bleed valve
by a suitable hose and connection.
2. Open the bleed valve and pressurize the tool to at least 1,5 times the line pressure, or at
maximum pressure rating of the tool (either 6000psi or 10000psi).
3. Pressure gauge in the retriever tool shall indicate the same pressure as the pump (or
pressure source) being used.
4. Close the bleed valve. No leaks should occur.
5. Open the bleed valve and release the pressure.
6. Continue with operation or remove the tool
Maintenance when in use
If the retriever and service valve is used on high-pressure (above 200bar) gas systems (pure or
dissolved gas) the O-rings in both the retriever and the service valve shall be replaced after every 6
complete high-pressure gas operation (retrieval/installation). Only operations on gas above 200 bar
shall be counted, so if the retriever is used on other gas locations with lower pressures, or on locations
with pure liquid in the line (above or below 200 bar), these operations shall not be counted as a high
pressure gas operation.
Maintenance after use
When a series of retrieval operation are completed and the hydraulic retriever tool and service valve is
to be stored for a
while, it should be disassembled, cleaned and checked according to the points below.
Before starting, make sure to have cleaning rugs and a stick of wood (or another nonmetallic material)
of approx. the same length as the retrieval tool available.
If the pressure drops more than 20bar in any of the above described steps, the internal
seals must be checked and replaced if necessary. Follow instruction in section 4.4.1
Hydraulic Retriever