User Manual
Appendix A
Aug 2020
Product Certifications and Installation Guidelines
Appendix A:
Product Certifications and
Installation Guidelines
The QuickPanel
Operator Interface is intended for use in industrial environments and, when
properly installed, shall comply with the agency approvals listed in this document.
Agency Approvals
The agency approvals listed in the following table and on the Declaration of Conformities
are believed to be accurate; However, the product’s agency approvals should be verified by
the marking on the unit itself.
Agency Marking Comments
N.A. Safety for Programmable Controller for use
in Hazardous Locations
Class I Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D
(applicable to
7'', 10'', 12'', and 15” Display units)
Class I Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D;
Class 2 Division 2 Groups F, G;
Class 3 Division 1 and Division 2
(applicable to 6'' Display unit only)
Certification by Underwriter's Laboratories to
UL 61010-1; UL61010-2-201;
CSA C22.2 No 142
CSA 61010-1; CSA 61010-2-201
ISA 12.12.01 standard and
CSA C22.2 No 213-M1987
Explosive Atmospheres Directive European
Safety for Hazardous Areas
Equipment Group II, Category 3,
Gas Groups IIC,
Dust Group IIIC
Certification in accordance with the ATEX
Directive 14/34/EU with an Independent 3rd
Party Assessment Certificate
only applies to the 12”
15” Display units:
EN 60079-0/A11, EN 60079-15, and EN 60079-
Part numbers: IC755CSW07CDACA,
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
European Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
for Industrial Control Equipment
Self-declaration in accordance with European
EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4
Maritime Society Certification
No Marking, verified
by certificate
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS),
Det Nortske Veritas/Germanischer Lloyds (DNV-
GL), and Bureau Veritas (BV) certification on
conformally coated
, 7
, 10
, 12
”, 15” units only