Programming the Einstein or E2
Configuring RMCC, BEC, Einstein and E2 • 11
If the dewpoint cell or relative humidity sensor is
known to read high or low, offsets may be specified in the
Dewpoint Offset and Humidity Offset fields to correctly
calibrate the sensors. Users may enter a value from -20% to
20% or from -20° to 20°.
ON/OFF Interval [1 - 240 sec.] [10 sec.]
The 8DO on the PMAC II panel pulses heaters ON for
a percentage of a defined time interval. This interval is en-
tered in the ON/OFF Interval field.
Name [15 characters max]
In the field to the right of the anti-sweat heater number,
a name may be entered.
4.3.4. Anti-Sweat Circuit Setpoints
From the Main Menu, press ’3 1 3 3’ to access the
Anti-Sweat Circuit #1 Setpoints screen.
Anti-sweat circuits are controlled by comparing a mea-
sured or calculated dewpoint value to a range of dewpoints
defined in the Anti-Sweat Circuit Setpoints screen.
Dewpoint All OFF/All ON [-20° - 99°] [25°/65°]
The Dewpoint All OFF setpoint is the minimum dew-
point below which the anti-sweat circuit’s heaters will re-
main OFF at all times. The Dewpoint All ON setpoint is the
maximum dewpoint above which the anti-sweat circuit’s
heaters will remain ON at all times. Between these dew-
point values, the anti-sweat circuit will pulse ON and OFF
for a percentage of the time interval defined in the Outputs
Setup screen.
Percent On During All OFF [0 - 30%] [0%]
By default, anti-sweat circuits operate at 0% when the
dewpoint is below the Dewpoint All OFF setpoint. If de-
sired, a higher value for All OFF may be specified.
Percent On During All ON [70 - 100%] [100%]
By default, anti-sweat circuits operate at 100% when
the dewpoint is above the Dewpoint All ON setpoint. If de-
sired, a lower value for All ON may be specified.
Programming the Einstein or
In Einstein and E2, a single zone is controlled by an
Anti-Sweat Application. For a single PMAC II panel, you
may configure up to eight separately controlled zones. This
section of the manual will show how to create and program
an Anti-Sweat application.
Note: Navigation instructions in this section are pro-
vided for both Einstein and E2 controller families. Follow
the instructions in the Einstein column for Einstein RX and
BX controllers, and the instructions in the E2 column for
E2 RX and BX controllers.