10 • PMAC
I&O Manual
Name [15 characters max]
In the field to the right of the anti-sweat zone number,
a name may be entered.
Circuit # [1 - 2] [0]
There are two separate anti-sweat circuits. Each circuit
has its own sensors and setpoints. Enter a one to assign the
selected zone to Circuit 1, or enter a two to select Circuit 2.
Unused heaters should have a zero in this field.
8DO [(Y)es/(N)o] [(N)o]
recommends anti-sweat heaters be operated
by 8DO Digital Output boards. If a heater is connected to
an 8DO board, enter (Y)es in the 8DO field; otherwise,
enter (N)o.
4.2.5. Setpoints
From the Main Menu, press ’3 3’ to access the Anti-
Sweat Circuit #1 Setpoints screen.
Anti-sweat circuits are controlled by comparing a mea-
sured or calculated dewpoint value to a range of dewpoints
defined in the Anti-Sweat Circuit Setpoints screen. See
N 026-1103, Building Environmental Control I&O Manu-
Section 3.5.,
Anti-Sweat Control
, for a complete expla-
nation of anti-sweat control.
Dewpoint All OFF/All ON [-20° - 99°] [25°/65°]
The Dewpoint All OFF setpoint is the minimum dew-
point below which the anti-sweat circuit’s heaters will re-
main OFF at all times. The Dewpoint All ON setpoint is the
maximum dewpoint above which the anti-sweat circuit’s
heaters will remain ON at all times. Between these dew-
point values, the anti-sweat circuit will pulse ON and OFF
for a percentage of the time interval defined in the Outputs
Setup screen.
Percent On During All OFF [0 - 30%] [0%]
By default, anti-sweat circuits operate at 0% when the
dewpoint is below the Dewpoint All OFF setpoint. If de-
sired, a higher value for All OFF may be specified.
Percent On During All ON [70 - 100%] [100%]
By default, anti-sweat circuits operate at 100% when
the dewpoint is above the Dewpoint All ON setpoint. If de-
sired, a lower value for All ON may be specified.
Programming the RMCC
4.3.1. Input Definitions
From the Main Menu, press ’7 1’ to access the Input
Definitions screen.
Define 16AI or 8IO board and point addresses for the
anti-sweat humidity and temperature sensors (ASW HU-
MID, ASW TEMP) and the anti-sweat override inputs
(ASW OVRD #1 - ASW #8 OVRD). Refer to
P/N 026-
1102, Refrigeration Monitor and Case Control I&O Man-
Section 7.9.1.,
Input Definitions
, for more informa-
4.3.2. Output Definitions
From the Main Menu, press ’7 2’ to access the Out-
put Definitions screen.
Define 8DO board and point addresses for the anti-
sweat heater zones (ASW 1 - ASW 8). Refer to
P/N 026-
Refrigeration Monitor and Case Control I&O Man-
Section 7.9.2.,
Output Definitions
, for more informa-
4.3.3. Dewpoint/Humidity Offsets
From the Main Menu, press ’3 1 3 2 1’ to access the
Dewpoint/Humidity Offsets screen.