Universal Network Terminal TAU-32M.IP
should belong to the pickup group as well. Thus, each port that belong to a call group will be able to pickup an
incoming call to a group number.
When subscriber dials the pickup code when there are no incoming calls to a group number, they will hear
Pickup group operation will not be possible for calls coming in via SIP protocol with a ringback
sent to the caller (
'Remote ringback'
setting) or via Н.323 protocol (except for the calls that do not
employ faststart and tunneling).
The 'Distinctive Ring' Service Configuration submenu
This setting allows for the non-standard ringing to the callee, which allows to identify the number/group of
numbers that the call is originated from. In total, 32 variations of the 'distinctive ring' may be used.
–mask of the number of the caller that will trigger the 'distinctive ring' with a call to the requested
–ringing duration;
–pause duration;
Subscriber profiles
–subscriber profiles which ports are affected by this rule.