Universal Network Terminal TAU-32M.IP 105
–when checked, defines the packetization time for the current direction, in seconds;
Dial tone
–send 'PBX response' tone when the first prefix digit is dialed. Usually, used with a prefix beginning
with '8' to send the 'PBX response' tone for a long-distance direction. If there are multiple prefixes beginning
with the same digit, but having different configurations of this setting, then a prefix with the highest priority
will be responsible for determining whether the 'PBX response' tone will be sent or not;
To apply changes, click the
Submit Changes
button; to discard all changes
To edit parameters of existing prefix, you may directly modify data in fields, of call the edit menu by clicking
button in the respective row. To delete a prefix, click
To discard all changes made to configuration, click the
Undo All Changes button.
To apply changes, click the
Submit Changes
button. To store changes to non-volatile memory of the device, click the
Configuration of Prefix with Varying Number Count
Enables dialling by a single prefix with various quantity of digits using
Dialplan Table
Prefix should be configured as follows:
'Min digits'
field, enter a minimum quantity of digits for routing with this prefix.
In the
field, dialling timeout for the next digit of a number should be greater than zero. In this
case, when user dials the number with length that matches the minimum quantity of digits, gateway will
wait for the next digit dialling during the specified timeout. If the digit is not dialed, prefix call will be
performed with the minimum quantity of digits; if the digit is dialed, the timer will restart, and the
gateway will wait again for the next digit dialling.
If dialling timeout for the next digit is zero, the call will be routed immediately when the length of a
number equal to minimum quantity of digits is achieved.
'Stop dial at #'
function allows to perform a call after the necessary quantity of digits are dialed without
the wait for a timeout. It may be configured separately for each port in
. If this
function is enabled for the port, user upon dialling a necessary number, the port may press # button on
the phone unit (provided that the unit is configured for DTMF dialling mode), and after that the call will
be routed immediately.
Configuration of pickup codes
Configuration of pickup groups affects the following settings: