Elkay Manufacturing Company
Installation & Maintenance Manual (1000005506 Rev D)
9. The Elkay Smartwell customer portal should now be
accessible if the unit is connected to the Internet.
Login and confi rm the unit appears in the listing page.
Pinch Point
Always grasp the
lower left and right corners of the hood when
closing the unit. Never close the lid by pressing
down from the top of the hood. There is potential
to pinch your fi ngers between the top and front
panels of the hood (arrows) when closing.
10. Once all the pouches are correctly installed, close the
6.3 Set the water flow parameters.
There are also two entries for the fl ow of water
through the dispenser in milliliters per second.
This number is based on the water pressure at the
location of the Smartwell unit. Test the water fl ow
and then enter the two numbers into the Flavor
Concentration screen. The Still Water default is 25,
and the Sparkling Water default is 50.
a. From the Home screen, touch the upper right-hand
corner of the screen to access the Sign In screen.
Enter 0101 and press the Sign In button.
b. A pinch dialogue screen appears with a caution
message to avoid the potential damage to the lid.
Press dismiss. Elkay smartwell touchless screen
will appear. Accept the terms and condition. Press
c. Press the Set Up button on the admin screen and
the Flavor Concentration screen will appear.
1) Select the desired concentration of fl avor in the
beverage; low, medium, or high.
2) This setting is based on user preferences and
the default setting is MEDIUM. If more fl avor is
desired, select the HIGH setting.
Determine and enter the fl ow rate for the Still Water
and the fl ow rate for the Sparkling Water.
1) Place a graduated measuring cup under the
dispenser nozzle.
2) Using a stop watch, measure the volume of still
water dispensed in exactly 10 seconds.
3) The waterfl ow needs to be entered in ml/sec.
If dispensed water is measured in ounces, then
the water fl ow rate can be calculated by multiplying
29.57 to the ounces of water dispensed, then
dividing by dispensed time (10 sec).
For example:
9 ounces of water dispensed in 10 seconds, then
the water fl ow rate is (9 x 29.57)/10 = 27 ml/sec.
So, 27 needs to entered in the display fi eld..