© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
82 von 184
Expectancy domains: disabled
These are the settings of the „Default parameter set“ used for the creation of a new measuring
series (provided you did not take over the settings of the previously used measuring series).
Basically, the default parameter yields useful results for a large number of applications.
Carry out a few trial measurements and view the results on the A-scan image. If the number of
readings to be expected has been recognized reproducibly and if the layer thickness values meet
your expectations or are identical with the cross-section results, it will not be necessary to change
the parameters any more. However, if you observe that due to interferences, an excessive number
of echoes or unwanted echoes have been extracted, or if echoes are missing, it is required to reset
the parameters accordingly. First you have to find out the nature of problem and think about the
best parameter choice in order to settle the problem. “Wildly experimenting” will not lead to
satisfying results.
The first step is to change a time parameter and view the results of the resetting before you
proceed on the next parameter change. As long as you are not familiar enough with the system, it
is not recommended to change several parameters at the same time. The effects of such
parameter reset would be difficult to assess and probably lead to unnecessary, time-consuming
procedures but to no avail. However, once you are familiar with the system, a short glance on the
A-scan image will be sufficient to assess how make the correct parameter choice. Two or three
further steps will be enough to lead you to your objective while it will even be possible to set
several parameters at a time.
9.4 Amplitude clipping with optimisation enabled
If optimisation (section 8.4) has been enabled, it is recommended to set the amplitude clipping to a
minimum just high enough to ensure a reliable filtering of noise and very small interference echoes.
Single, larger interference echoes should not be suppressed by clipping in this case. For filtering
such echoes, the postprocessor should rather be used. This procedure makes it easier for the
optimisation procedure to make corrections more exactly. As a result, the measuring precision will
9.5 High level of unwanted echoes in the layers
For measuring samples with a high level of unwanted varying echoes (as it often occurs in
inhomogeneous materials) it is recommended to disable the optimisation function (see 8.4) as the
reproducibility of readings will improve if this function is disabled.