© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
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How to create or select a batch
If you wish to store parameter settings or store and process readings, do not use the Direct Mode.
For such purposes, you should use a standard measuring batch. Such batch can be created or
selected as follows:
Create a new batch in the data base (see section
Select an existing batch from the data base (see section
Continue in the currently active batch.
Choose one of the options in order to assign the active batch for taking readings.
Selecting a measuring range
Prior to the preparatory steps for a new measuring task, it is required to choose a suitable
measuring range. Please refer to section 12.1.1 for more details on how to select a measuring
QunitSonic 7 offers 5 time-measuring ranges (see section 3.2.2). Please refer to section 19 for the
matching coating thickness ranges based on an assumed sound velocity of 2375 m/ s (average
value for industrial coatings). As the sound velocity is a constant of proportionality, twice the
coating thickness can be measured within the same measuring range if the sound velocity is
double. Compared to plastic materials, the sound velocities in metal coatings are much higher
(approx. 6000 m/s). As a result, in metal coatings, higher coating thickness ranges can be covered.
The total coating thickness of paint coating systems rarely exceeds a total of 300µm. For that
reason, most times the measuring range # 1 (300 ns) applies. For wall thickness, however, larger
measuring ranges are required.
For setting an appropriate measuring range, it is recommended, first to carry out a trial
measurement. Make sure, all echoes of this trial measurement can be represented in one A-scan
image (see section 7). If, for instance, echoes are missing on the right screen edge, the adjusted
measuring range is too small. In such case, just try the next range.
If you are not sure about the appropriate measuring range, choose a larger one for a start. Once
the echoes roughly located, you can switch to a smaller range but make sure no echoes will get
lost at the respective measuring range limits. Please do also refer to section 9.2 (Section 9 “Tips
and tricks”).