Signification and Use of A-scan Images
© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
62 von 184
Graphics cursor and displacement in time direction
The A-scan provides a crosshair cursor acting over the whole range of image section. This cursor
is used for reading the signal values and displacing the image section in direction of the time axis.
Use the function keys “left” and “right” to move the cursor in time direction. When moving the
cursor, it will follow the signal curve, i.e. the crossover between horizontal and vertical cursor line
will always be located on the point of curve assigned to the signal.
By moving the cursor you can run along the complete
signal curve and read the corresponding amplitude values
at any point of the curve.
In the example shown on the left, the cursor has been
placed exactly at the point of time of the first layer
interface echo line. The associated time and amplitude
values are indicated as numerical values upper to the
image section
Move the cursor to the right edge of screen. When
reaching a certain position, the image content will jump by
a certain degree to the left, i.e. the image section has
been displaced to the right. The same applies if you move
the cursor to the left edge of screen.
By repeating this action, you can displace the image
section over the total measuring range (Pan). However,
the point of time 0 or the limits of measuring range cannot
be exceeded. If the total measuring range (zoom factor 1)
is visible, no displacement can be made.