P2PE Instruction Manual for PCI P2PE v2.0
© 2021
Elavon Financial Services DAC
PIM Page 18
4.2 Instructions for ensuring POI devices originate from, and are only shipped to, trusted
El a von and its chosen partners will ensure that all POI devices are not tampered with or compromised before these are
s hi pped to you i n a s ecured ma nner.
There a re 3 methods of del i very a ppl i ca bl e to the P2PE POI devi ces . Thes e a re:
Engi neer - On Si te Confi gura ti on
Engi neer - Pre-Confi gured
Couri er Del i very
Elavon will work with you before the devices are deployed to confirm the most suitable method for
POI device deployment.
The pa ges below detail the processes for each delivery type
Engineer - On Site Configuration
If you a re having an Engineer-On Site Configuration delivery the engineer will deliver the POI devices to your chosen
l oca ti on(s ) a nd wi l l ens ure the POI devi ces a re confi gured, on s i te, a t the ti me of del i very.
Pri or to the POI devices being dispatched, you will receive an email from our assigned fulfil ment hous e confi rmi ng:
Engi neer vi s i t
Da te of del i very
The deta i l s of your devi ces i ncl udi ng s eri a l number(s ) a nd POI devi ce model (s )
Deta ils of the tamper evident packaging a nd what to check to ensure the device has not been tampered with
duri ng tra ns i t
The ema i l wi l l come from the bel ow a ddres s es , where a ppl i ca bl e:
UK -
Ireland -
Pol a nd -
When the engineer arrives on site, you should check the details of the email, received from our fulfilment house, against
the s erial number of the device, l ocated on the box a nd check the box for a ny ta mper evidence. Once the checks are
compl eted, and you a re satisfied there is no evidence of tampering, you ca n i nstruct the engineer to proceed with the
i ns ta l l a ti on.
If the serial numbers do not match or there is evidence of ta mpering you must reject the device a nd inform Elavon
i mmedi a tel y vi a the numbers bel ow
IRL – 1850202120 (Opti on 1)
UK – 0345 850 0195 (Opti on 1)
POL – 22 306 03 16 (Opti on 1)
On-Site Replacement – If needed, the engineer may issue you a replacement device whilst on site. If this is the case
they wi ll arrange for this and you will receive a further email, whilst the engineer is on site, confirming the details of
the replacement POI device. You must follow the steps previously outlined to check the serial numbers of the POI device
ma tch a s wel l a s checki ng or evi dence of ta mper