P2PE Instruction Manual for PCI P2PE v2.0
© 2021
Elavon Financial Services DAC
PIM Page 16
3.2 Guidance for selecting appropriate locations for deployed devices
Devi ces must be deployed in appropriate locations where there is no ri sk of these being accessed by unauthorised
us ers. Plan where to put your POI devices and how to keep them secure, you must perform checks on devices at regular
i nterva l s to ens ure thes e ha ve not been ta mpered wi th.
Items to be Cons i dered:
Moni tor and control public access to POI devices so that only the applicable part of the device (such as the
PIN Pa d) i s a va i l a bl e to the cus tomer to compl ete the pa yment
Pl a ce devices in a reas so they ca n be monitored by a uthorised personal to ensure that the regular checks can
be performed a s needed
Loca te devices i n environments that reducing risk of unauthorised a ccess with considerations for ensuring
there is adequate lighting, appropriate access paths to the devices to prevent unauthorised personnel from
ta mperi ng wi th the devi ce a nd there i s vi s i bl e s ecuri ty mea s ures s uch a s CCTV
Your devices are designed to only be used in attended environment and must never be used in an Unattended
envi ronment
Devi ces mus t be moni tored a t a l l ti mes
Pos i tion the devi ce s o there i s no method of recordi ng or vi ewi ng the cus tomer PIN bei ng entered
Porta ble (Move/5000) or mobile devices should be assigned to a member of staff who will be responsible for
the device during their allocated time. This person will be responsible for ensuring the POI device(s) are kept
s a fe whilst i n their custody and are not l eft where they ca n be ta mpered wi th by una uthori s ed us ers
Devi ces must be placed i n a well ventilated a re on a flat surface and shoul d be a wa y from di rect s unl i ght
Where feasible, use locking devices to secure your POI devices i n place as well as using, separately purchased,
pol es to mount the cus tomer fa ci ng PIN pa d.
Ha vi ng a pol e wi l l a l l ow the cus tomer to s wi vel the PIN pa d to prevent ri s k of s pyi ng
PIN Pa d pol es ca n be purchased from va ri ous provi ders, please ensure a ny pol e purchased is
compa ti bl e wi th your devi ce
El a von customers have the option to purchase consumable related i tems from UKPR and can place
orders vi a phone or email, UKPR details below:
UK/IRE Sales:
POLAND Sa les :
Devi ces not in use should be stored in a secure l ocation with res tri cted a cces s to a uthori s ed us ers onl y
For more information, please refer to,
found on the
3.3 Guidance for physically securing deployed devices to prevent unauthorized removal or
You s hould physically s ecure your POI devices to prevent unauthorised removal or substitution whilst devices are i n
us e.
For countertop devices (Desk/5000 a nd La ne/3000);
Mount a nd secure the POI devices a nd cables with l ocking stands, cable tra ys, and other securing mechanisms
s uch as space poles.
For the Move/5000 (with 3G/WiFi/BT) devices, which cannot be physically s ecured, you must consider: