P2PE Instruction Manual for PCI P2PE v2.0
© 2021
Elavon Financial Services DAC
PIM Page 20
Couri er vi s i t to s i te
Da te of the vi s i t
Seri a l number of devi ce(s )
Seri a l number of TEE
The ema i l s wi l l come from the fol l owi ng ema i l a ddres s es :
UK -
Ireland -
Pol a nd -
Upon a rri val you wi ll be presented wi th the devices for i nspection. You must i nspect the pa ckaging a nd devices
checki ng:
The s erial number of the device on the box ma tches the s erial number detailed i n the email you have
previ ous l y recei ved
The s erial number of the TEE matches the serial number listed in the previous email as well as ensuring that
the TEE ha s not been opened or torn upon a rri va l
The s erial number of the device within the TEE matches the s erial number detailed i n the email received as
wel l as checking that the device does not s how a ny s igns of ta mpering s uch a s unexpected cabling exposed
pa nels. You should l ook for broken s ecurity s eals and cra cks around the device as well as i nspecting for any
other type of da ma ge or ta mperi ng.
Once confirmed you are satisfied there is no evidence of tampering and that the s erial numbers match, you can accept
the del i very.
Please note the device’s original packaging, will already be opened in line with the above process, this will be acceptable
a s l ong a s the TEE, whi ch i s i ns i de the box, does not s how a ny s i gns of ta mperi ng
If the serial numbers of the devices do not match that the ones listed in the deployment email, or if you identify any
s i gns of tampering do not accept the device and i nform the courier i mmediately. Pl ease contact El avon’s helpdesk on
the numbers bel ow to a rra nge for a repl a cement devi ce
IRL – 1850202120 (Opti on 1)
UK – 0345 850 0195 (Opti on 1)
POL – 22 306 03 16 (Opti on 1)
On-Site Replacement – If needed, the courier may issue you a replacement device whilst on site. If this is the case they
wi l l arrange for this and you will receive a further email, whilst the engineer is on site, confirming the details of the
repl acement POI device. You must follow the s teps previously outlined to check the s erial numbers of the POI device
ma tch a s wel l a s checki ng for evi dence of ta mper.
Example Email
Bel ow i s a n exa mpl e of the ema i l you wi l l recei ve from our ful fi l ment hous e for POI devi ce depl oyment
“Dear Valued Customer,
We’re delighted to confirm that an engineer will be delivering and installing your Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) device(s) on XX-
Attached to this email, you will find a spreadsheet containing the key details of your device including the model and serial number
of your device(s).
Please ensure you read this email before the engineer arrives because you will need to follow these instructions for each individual
device before it can be installed.
As part of the P2PE validation process, set out in your P2PE Instruction Manual (PIM), and to ensure your device is secure upon
arrival, there are some mandatory things you will need to check when the device arrives and before it is installed: