P2PE Instruction Manual for PCI P2PE v2.0
© 2021
Elavon Financial Services DAC
PIM Page 17
Store the devices in a secured location with restricted access when not i n use
As s ign the device to a uthorised personal when i n use
Ens ure the devices a re monitored at all times a nd that these are not left unattended at a ny ti me
Ens ure that the POI devices are signed in and out
Devi ces that a re not in use should also be stored securely with restricted access. This includes devices that a re
Awa i ting deployment
Undergoing repair
Awa i ting to be returned to Elavon
You must also verify a ny couriers or engineers when they a re delivering of POI devi ces, collecting of POI devices no
l onger required or a ttending your site to complete repairs to your POI devices. Including;
Veri fy the i dentity of the courier/engineer
Refuse access to a ny unexpected engineers
Es cort a nd monitored authorised engineers a t all times
4. POI Device Transit
4.1 Instructions for securing POI devices intended for, and during, transit
El a von will a rrange for POI devices to be dispatched to your chosen l ocation(s) in a secured manner, by our chosen
ful filment house, see below. Elavon will also arrange for the collection of any POI devices that need to be returned to
El a von.
Fulfilment Houses
UK - UK Pa per Rolls
Ireland/UK/Poland - La ntec
You must not rel ocate the POI device to any other site(s) yourself. If you do need to relocate a device, please contact
us on the numbers below who will work with you on your requirements and discuss the appropriate next steps:
IRL (i ncluding Northern Ireland) – 1850202120 (option 1)
UK – 0345 850 0195 (opti on 1)
POL - 22 306 03 16 (opti on 1)
If you ha ve a faulty POI device or require a hardware replacement, please contact the Elavon helpdesk on the
numbers below
IRL – 1850202120 (Opti on 1)
UK – 0345 850 0195 (Opti on 1)
POL – 22 306 03 16 (Opti on 1)
If you need to return a POI device to Elavon, please contact us on the number above to a rrange collection. A courier
from our fulfilment house (see Fulfilment Houses above) will be arranged to a ttend your site to collect your device(s).
Pl ease ensure the devi ces are packaged ready for collection. When the courier attends the site please confirm their
i dentity before handing over your devi ces to the courier.