Application manual
Interface for Load monitoring and control EK- CF2-TP
Revision 1.0.0 - Update: 04/07/2017
– All rights reserved
Pag. 12
7.3. Configuration of a power threshold function
The use of the “Thresholds” function, independent from the “Load control” function, can be useful to define
some thresholds of those measured power where it is necessary to define a technical alarm, a functional
logic or the disconnection of one or more loads.
It is very useful in case, thanks to a renewable energy contribution controlled by the EK-CF2-TP, the user
sets a series of ACTIVATION thresholds for loads that can be used ONLY with renewable energy systems,
in order to optimize its use and consume less energy.
It is posYesble to send on the bus the value of the power thresholds in Watt.
Up to 8 functions for each channel can be parametrized and used.
For each configured threshold, the following parameters can be parametrized:
Value of intervention in Watt
Mode of operation of the reached threshold status (inverted / not inverted) in order to use the
communication object in negative logic without additional logic objects
Mode of intervention (if the threshold is above or below the set value)
Hysteresiss of intervention
Delay of activation
Cyclic sending of the state
Disable the threshold from bus