Fiery JobMaster, Fiery Impose, and Fiery Compose requirements
To use Fiery JobMaster, Fiery Impose, or Fiery Compose, each client computer requires the following:
Command WorkStation
An activated license for the relevant utilities
Adobe Acrobat/Enfocus PitStop software (included with the Fiery JobMaster, Fiery Impose, and Fiery Compose
software kit)
Mobile device requirements
You can print directly from a wireless mobile device to the E300, using the E300 Direct Mobile Printing feature. The
printer default paper size is used for all Direct Mobile Printing jobs.
Mobile devices must be on the same wireless subnet as the E300.
If Secure Printing is enabled, you can use Secure Printing when printing from a mobile device.
The E300 supports Direct Mobile Printing from the following mobile devices that have iOS 4.2 (with printing
functionality) or later:
iPhone (4 or later)
iPod touch (3rd generation or later)
Configuration and Setup