Bonjour allows the E300 to act as a Bonjour printer when communicating with Mac computers.
AppleTalk (supported for font
downloads only, not for
Enabling this setting allows Mac computers to use AppleTalk to download
fonts to the E300. This setting is disabled by default.
For technical support, the E300 utility software is only supported for
Mac OS X v10.7 and later.
Internet Protocol (IP) requirements
To be available as a network printer, the E300 requires the following:
Unique IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
Subnet mask
Gateway address
You can enter these items manually or use DHCP protocol to assign them dynamically. Make sure the E300 name
and address are listed in the domain name server (DNS) or host name database used by your system.
To ensure proper communication between the printer and the E300, we recommend configuring the IP
settings on the printer for DHCP. For information about configuring the printer, refer to the printer documentation.
Client computer requirements
The E300 utilities software, printer drivers, and online help are supported for Windows and Mac client computers.
Installing and configuring printer drivers
Before you can print from a client computer to the E300, you must first install a printer driver on each client
computer and then configure them to include E300 and printer installed options.
After you install and configure printer drivers, you can print from any application on a client computer to the E300.
For more information about installing printer drivers, including installing printer drivers on other operating systems,
, which is part of the user documentation set.
Requirements for Windows client computers
The E300 utilities and printer drivers support the standard Windows operating systems and system specifications.
Supported operating systems for Windows client computers
The E300 utility applications and printer drivers are supported for the following Windows operating systems.
Support for Windows OS versions is based upon the latest service pack. Both 32 and 64-bit versions are
supported unless otherwise noted.
Windows Vista: Home Basic Edition, Home Premium Edition, Ultimate Edition, Business Edition, Enterprise
Windows 7: Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate
Configuration and Setup