Solution-8 Installation Manual
Page 9
Electronics Design & Manufacturing
The programming options of this system are stored in a non volatile EEprom. This memory will hold all the
relevant configuration and user specific data even during a total power loss. The data retention time is as long as
ten years without power, therefore no reprogramming will be required after powering the system down. The data
can be altered as many times as required without the need for any additional specialised equipment. This memory
is laid out in numerous locations each of which holds the data for a specific function. In general, the entire
programming sequence will consist of nominating the location then entering or altering the required data. You
will repeat this procedure until all the data has been altered to suit your requirements. The factory default settings
have been selected for Expanded High Speed format.
'15' is the max value that can be programmed into any location.
There are two programming modes. The Installers programming mode and the Operators programming mode.
Both modes have individual access codes and these two codes must always be programmed differently. The
Master Code, as well as being able to arm and disarm the system gives access to the Operators Program mode.
The Installers code however, only gives access to the Installers Program mode and does NOT arm and disarm the
system. Neither of these programming modes are accessible if the system is in the armed state or a previous alarm
memory exists. This condition needs to be corrected before access will be allowed. This is achieved by arming
and disarming the system in succession. It should be noted that when in installer programming mode, all alarms
will be disabled.
Programming of the
control panel can be carried out via any of the following four methods.
System console
Programming Key
Alarm Link Upload/Download software
Throughout this manual, mention is made of the STAY and AWAY buttons. The
hand held
Programmer does not have these buttons, but instead has the * and # symbols.
When using the
Programmer any reference in this manual made to the HOME button should be
considered as the * button and the AWAY button considered as the # button.
STAY = '*' and AWAY = '#'
Via the System Console
The system must be in a disarmed state with no flashing ZONE alarm memories, this can be achieved by entering
the Master Code then Away (the factory default Master Code is 2580).
To access the Installers Program mode, key in the four or six digit Installer code followed by the AWAY key (the
factory default installer code is 1234). Three beeps will be heard and both the AWAY and the STAY indicators
will flash simultaneously. If a long beep is heard, check the system for alarm memory. The combination of the
MAINS, FAULT and ZONE indicators will indicate the data stored in the first location (location zero). The
number nine(9) is represented by the FAULT indicator and the number zero(0) is represented by the MAINS
indicator. If the value five is being displayed then zone indicator number five will illuminate. If the value
thirteen(13) is being displayed then the FAULT indicator and the ZONE-4 indicator will illuminate.