Eberg MIRU S26PRO Скачать руководство пользователя страница 34





5.3. Remote control

The remote control allows you to control the same functions of the device as 

the control panel.  

5.2.2. Register and log in to the application.

5.2.3. Connect the device to the power supply and make sure that it is within the range of the network.

5.2.4. Activate the WIFI function in the settings of your appliance.

5.2.5. Place the appliance at a distance of about 5 meters to your router.

5.2.6. As long as the power is turned on, the WIFI indicator flashes. After 3 minutes, the status will be 

canceled if there is no network configuration, and the indicator light is off. If you need to reconnect the 

WIFI, long press the “timer” button for 5 second to start the network configuration, the WIFI indicator 

flashes again.

Method 1

Connected via Bluetooth

Open the bluetooth of your mobile phone or other device.

When WIFI indicator flashes, open “EBERG” APP, the unit will connected via bluetooth automatically.

Method 2


When WIFI indicator flashes, open “EBERG”, select “Add Device”-“Large Home Appliances”-“Portable 

Air Conditioner”, and follow the instructions on the display. 


Your network, in which the device will be used, must operate in the 2.4GHz band.


Make sure the Wi-Fi indicator is blinking fast. Confirm blinking in the app.


The process of searching for a wireless device in the Wi-Fi network will begin.

Note: Once the appliance has been successfully connected, the WIFI lamp lights up. Now you can operate 

the appliance using the app.

Press and hold the Timer button for about 5 seconds, the appliance disconnect, the WIFI lamp lights off.

Note: In case of any problems, please follow the prompts of the mobile application.

Содержание MIRU S26PRO

Страница 1: ...KLIMATYZATOR PRZENOŚNY LOCAL AIR CONDITIONER MIRU S26PRO Instrukcja obsługi Instruction manual ...

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Страница 23: ...plication Special precautions must be taken into consideration due to the coolant s high flammability This device is intended for private domestic use only in closed rooms The product is not intended for outdoor use This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have bee...

Страница 24: ...he local fire department to advise them that a propane leak has occurred Do not let any persons back into the room until the qualified service technician has arrived and that technician advises that it is safe to return to the room No open flames cigarettes or other possible sources of ignition should be used inside or in the vicinity of the units Component parts are designed for propane and non i...

Страница 25: ...Servicing shall only be performed as recommended by the equipment manufacturer Maintenance and repair requiring the assistance of other skilled personnel shall be carried out under the supervision of the person competent in the use of flammable refrigerants If you don t understand something or need help please contact the dealer services Please follow these warnings when to undertake the following...

Страница 26: ...he ventilation machinery and outlets are operating adequately and are not obstructed If an indirect refrigerating circuit is being used the secondary circuit shall be checked for the presence of refrigerant Marking to the equipment continues to be visible and legible Markings and signs that are illegible shall be corrected Refrigeration pipe or components are installed in a position where they are...

Страница 27: ...ated in a refrigerant free area Ensure that the detector is not a potential source of ignition and is suitable for the refrigerant used Leak detection equipment shall be set at a percentage of the LFL of the refrigerant and shall be calibrated to the refrigerant employed and the appropriate percentage of gas 25 maximum is confirmed Leak detection fluids are suitable for use with most refrigerants ...

Страница 28: ...inder is situated on the scales before recovery takes place g Start the recovery machine and operate in accordance with manufacturer s instruc tions h Do not overfill cylinders No mare than 80 volume liquid charge i Do not exceed the maximum working pres sure of the cylinder even temporarily j Whenthecylindershavebeenfilledcorrectlyandtheprocesscompleted makesurethatthecylinders and the equipment ...

Страница 29: ...a refrigerant release Consult manufacturer if in doubt The recovered refrigerant shall be returned to the refrigerant supplier in the correct recovery cylinder and the relevant Waste Transfer Note arranged Do not mix refrigerants in recovery units and especially not in cylinders lf compressors or compressor oils are to be removed ensure that they have been evacuated to an acceptable level to make ...

Страница 30: ...t to allow for proper air circulation Do not operate in close proximity to walls curtains or other objects that may block air inlet and outlet Keep the air inlet and outlet free of obstacles Never install the unit where it could be subject to Heat sources such as radiators heat registers stoves or other products that products that produce heat Direct sunlight Mechanical vibration or shock Excessiv...

Страница 31: ...the other end of the hot air exhaust pipe 1 STEP 3 In the case of a sliding window a strip should be installed in the window the sliding window seal 5 Then connect the pipe through the connector 3 to the hole in the strip 5 STEP 4 Close the window to fix the set rigidly It is recommended to seal the gap between the lath and the window edges in order to obtain the maximum efficiency of the device I...

Страница 32: ... the end of the pipe STEP 6 Adapt the length of the flexible discharge pipe 1 to the distance between the device and the window Sharp bending and crushing of the pipe should be avoided Then place the air conditioner within reach of an electrical outlet STEP 7 Adjust the air outlet louvers so that they are not in the closed position Then you can turn on the device ...

Страница 33: ...de Display between Cooling Dehumidifying and fan 5 2 Configuration of connection with wi fi wireless network and mobile application 1 In order to be able to remotely control a configured device using the mobile application it must remain connected to the power network be turned on be within the range of the Wi Fi network saved in its memory with the name SSID and password set during configuration ...

Страница 34: ...ion the WIFI indicator flashes again Method 1 Connected via Bluetooth Open the bluetooth of your mobile phone or other device When WIFI indicator flashes open EBERG APP the unit will connected via bluetooth automatically Method 2 When WIFI indicator flashes open EBERG select Add Device Large Home Appliances Portable Air Conditioner and follow the instructions on the display Your network in which t...

Страница 35: ...ired Press the MODE button on the control panel until the DRY operation LED lights or press the DRY button on the remote control In this mode the fan runs automatically at low speed and it is not possible to change the fan speed Connect the hose to the condensate drain located at the rear of the bottom of the unit Note In this mode the fan speed switches over to low speed and cannot be selected Th...

Страница 36: ...rost for 5 minutes and the power indicator will flash In the event of a power failure there is a 3 minute delay in restarting the compressor to protect the compressor Manual drainage 1 When the unit shuts down after the condensate tank is full disconnect the power plug Attention Please move the device carefully so as not to spill the water from the drain pan located at the bottom of the device bod...

Страница 37: ...f the hose in water Failure to do so may result in a blockage in the drain hose To avoid water spills Since the vacuum in the condensate drain pan is high point the drain hose down towards the floor The drain hose should have a slope of more than 20 for the correct operation of the condensate drain Straighten the hose avoid kinks and blockages in the hose 6 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE 6 1 Cleaning th...

Страница 38: ...vicing the refrigerant Detailed rules of conduct and safety rules that must be strictly observed during all work with the refrigerant are described in detail in chapter 2 2 Precautions when servicing the unit charged with R290 in this manual The basic rules of conduct are as follows 1 Gas vapor is heavier than air It may accumulate in confined spaces especially at or below ground level 2 Eliminate...

Страница 39: ...lace the device on a level hard surface Check that there are no loose improperly installed parts in the device e g incorrectly installed warm air exhaust pipe Install loose elements securely The sound of running water The noise is from the flowing refrigerant This is normal Below is an explanation of error codes that may appear on the display of the device Error codes E0 Communication error betwee...

Страница 40: ...RAGE AND DECOMMISSIONING 8 1 Storage Long term storage if the device will not be used for an extended period of time more than a few weeks it is best to clean the device and dry it completely Please store the device according to the following rules 1 Disconnect the device from the power source and disconnect the warm air exhaust pipe and the window kit that should be stored with the device 2 Drain...

Страница 41: ...zno ruchowej 6 Niewłaściwą konserwacją urządzeń lub zaniechaniem konserwacji przewidzianą w dokumentacji Technicznej 7 Stwierdzone uszkodzenia urządzenia objętego Gwarancją należy zgłosić Climateo eu Sp z o o 32 002 Kokotów Kokotów 703 tel 48 12 352 34 25 8 Zgłoszenie reklamacyjne powinno zawierać 1 Model urządzenia 2 Numer seryjny 3 Datę zgłoszenia reklamacji 4 Opis uszkodzenia 5 Datę zakupu 6 Ko...

Страница 42: ...fabr nr silnika Nr rachunku faktury Data sprzedaży KARTA GWARANCYJNA Nazwa i adres firmy Telefon kontaktowy Osoba do kontaktu Dane zgłaszającego reklamację Adnotacje o przebiegu napraw Data zgłoszenia Data naprawy Uszkodzenie Rodzaj naprawy Wykonał serwis podpis i pieczęć ...

Страница 43: ...Kokotów 703 32 002 Kokotów biuro eberg eu tel 48 12 352 34 25 www eberg eu ...
