Typically, not much adjustment should be necessary to properly track the main rotor blades. If signifi cant adjustments are required, be
sure to double-check the length of both pitch control links (they should be close to the same length). In most cases, you should be able to
get both blades tracking perfectly in the same plane. Due to slight variations in the ball links and threaded linkage rods/pushrods of the
pitch control linkages, it may not always be possible to achieve absolutely perfect blade tracking.
Blades In Track - No Adjustment Necessary
Flybar Paddle Tracking Adjustment
While main blade tracking is a critical element of fl ight performance, proper fl ybar paddle tracking and positioning is also important in
maintaining proper control response and vibration-free operation.
To check fl ybar paddle tracking, positioning and making adjustments;
• Confi rm that both fl ybar paddles are equally spaced from the ends of the paddle control frame. If they are not equally spaced, adjust
the position of the fl ybar by loosening the setscrews located in the paddle control frame, then sliding the fl ybar from side to side until
they are.
• Be certain that both fl ybar paddles are parallel to the paddle control frame. If they are not, loosen the screws and nuts in the fl ybar
paddles and twist the paddles until they are properly aligned and parallel with the paddle control frame.
• If you have made certain that both fl ybar paddles are parallel to the paddle control frame arms, they should now be parallel to
one another.
• Once you have properly positioned and aligned the fl ybar paddles, be certain they are fi rmly secured using the screws, washers
and hex nuts.