DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope Instructions for Use
0230-53095, Rev 05
Revision Date 05-Mar-2021
The SYSTEM section allows the user to select language, format of date and time and whether to automatically
video biopsy selection and gathering (enabling this will reduce memory capacity in reference to the number of
DYSIS colposcopies saved on the device). Setting EXPORT of cases to an external server and also IMPORT VISIT
from another DYSIS.
In addition, the user can carry out CALIBRATION, export LOG FILES for routine maintenance or to assist with
remote repair.
DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope also offers the option to BACK UP and RESTORE data. This should only be
carried out under the supervision of a DYSIS technician.
Through the SETTINGS tab, the BACK UP option is available. BACK UP can be carried out by inserting a USB
Stick (that has been formatted and is otherwise empty) into the USB Port of the back of the CPU unit denoted