DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope Instructions for Use
0230-53095, Rev 05
Revision Date 05-Mar-2021
Please Enter the Number of Months for
the Colposcopy Follow Up
The option "Other" has been selected, so please indicate
the number of months for the colposcopy follow up
Please Enter the Number of Months for
the Cytology Follow Up
The option "Other" has been selected, so please indicate
the number of months for the cytology follow up
Registration Failure. Not Enough Images to
Calculate Map
No map will be calculated due to registration failure.
Syringe Purge has completed successfully
Purge syringe was pressed through the left side menu.
There has been a problem Connection to
the DICOM Server. Please Contact a
System Administrator
Please contact the administrator to check that the
DICOM server is accessible; No data will be sent to PACS
server until this error message is resolved.
There has been an issue with the
Configured Export Network Share. Check
Network Connection
Please contact the Administrator to check that the
configured network path is accessible; No data will be
exported to the configured network path until this
message is resolved.
There is a problem with the USB Memory
Please check the USB memory stick that is working
properly and plug it again. Ensure the USB drive is
formatted as ex-FAT; if this message is prompted again,
please use another USB memory stick.
Unable to Connect to DICOM Server.
Please contact System Administrator
Please contact the administrator to check that the
DICOM server is accessible.
Unable to Print To Printer: xxx Please
Contact an Administrator
Please contact the administrator to check that the
printer is installed properly and is accessible.
Unable to Write Report To Export
Directory. Please Contact an Administrator
Please contact the administrator to check that the export
path is accessible.
Video has recorded for xx Minutes. Stop or
This message is displayed after recording a video for 4
You have selected to terminate the
acquisition process. Are you sure?
This message is displayed after having pressed STOP
during the mapping procedure. The map will be
calculated since enough images were recorded.
Available to Administrators only
At Least One of Export Directory Name
Buttons must be Selected
Make sure you will configure at least one option in Export
At Least One of Report Name Buttons must
be Selected
Make sure you will select at least one button when
configuring the report name.
Backing Up...Size: xx Mb Estimated Time:
xxx Seconds
While backing up is in progress, this message displays the
estimated time for backup completion