DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope Instructions for Use
0230-53095, Rev 05
Revision Date 05-Mar-2021
Assigning a visit after a DYSIS Exam from Home screen
After saving images, videos or having performed an examination, by exiting the DYSIS exam screen the
following screen appears:
The user can either create a new patient to whom the examination will be saved, select an existing one or
press CANCEL. By pressing CANCEL the examination will be discarded and a confirmation message will be
Using DYSIS Ultra to carry out a standard colposcopic examination
The practitioner can start an examination by selecting DYSIS EXAM from the home menu (without entering
patient information), or after initiating a new visit of a specific patient (see section 17.5) or by creating a NEW
PATIENT record (see section 17.4). When the examination is initiated from the home menu, the practitioner
will be prompted to assign the examination data to a patient record after the completion of the examination
by selecting a patient from the PATIENT DATABASE, creating a NEW PATIENT record or pressing CANCEL to
discard the examination data.
After selecting “
Exam”, the optical head is automatically turned on and the camera and light are
operational. The Clinician can observe the image in the field of view of the camera on the touch screen in order
to perform a standard colposcopic examination.