DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope Instructions for Use
0230-53095, Rev 05
Revision Date 05-Mar-2021
To change the exams for comparison, select a visit from the box below each image and select the exam to
review. They will be uploaded into the viewing area.
Captured images can also be reviewed which may reveal movement during the exam, as well as aligned images
which may reduce the field viewed but aligns the images to remove any movement during the mapping
When viewing images in SMARTtrack, a graph is displayed below the images. The graph illustrates changes in
the map over the two visits. The user should select each viewing area on the images to review.
The graph displayed below the locked images will show the difference in the map between the two
corresponding areas.
For example, a map which shows a reduction in a strong aceto-white response and a reduction in red, yellow
and white, will show a negative value below the centre line, illustrating the amount of reduction in each colour.
If the aceto-white response is greater between the two visits, the graph will show a positive value above the
centre line.
The graph will represent only what can be seen in the view on the touchscreen. This feature eliminates less
relevant characteristics and aceto- white values from the graph.
Downloading or Printing a Report
To print or download a patient report, first select the patient from the patient database then select the
individual visit to be reported on.
Select individual images from the row at the bottom of the screen by pressing the
then select
REVIEW REPORT. Images that have been captured independent of the mapping process by the operator will
be automatically included in the report. To deselect these images, press the
button to
eliminate them from the report.