DUKE Model 957R Soft Serve Freezer
10.5 Overrun Adjustment
10.6 Rerun
correct any overrun variation, allow one full
cylinder of product to be dispensed prior to
taking another reading and making any
further corrections to the pump settings. If
you have any problems with the above
procedure, contact the seller or
manufacturer of the pump and/or
International Dairy Queen
Division Service Department.
is product that has been drawn through the freezer into a container and has melted
down to be reprocessed.
For further information contact the Service
Department of H. C. Duke & Son, phone
(309) 755-4553 or (800) 755-4545.
International Dairy Queen
does not
permit the use of rerun.
Rerun product is unable to accept the
same amount of air as fresh product;
therefore, you cannot produce a
quality product with rerun mix. Product
may appear grainy and icy, and
operational problems may result from
the use of rerun.
After the machine has run long enough to
dispense at least one full cylinder of prod-
uct, you will have the overrun that the
machine will hold the remainder of the day.
The control of the overrun is almost exclu-
sively adjusted by the settings on the mix
pump. Depending on the make and the
model of the mix pump, the overrun control
may be regulated by operating pressure, air
intake meter, or length of piston stroke.
Malfunctions of the pump can cause
variations from normal operating overrun.
Consult the operations manual for the pump
for any adjustments.
After making an adjustment of the pump to