DTI GmbH & Co. KG
Five touchkeys allow several functioins. Depending on the menue they have different
The function is shown by a text
Decrese settings - touchkey DOWN
Increse settings - touchhey UP
Back to Menue
Leave Menue
Please obey that a reaction time of up to one second can happen, if you go back to a
menue or if zu leave a menue. After adjustments in the main menue the system al-
ways takes a few seconds until it is stable again after leaving the menue.
Please obey that you need to make a REFERENZ after leaving the main menue.
That has to be repleyed when the coil is near the ground.
The detector has a demonstration mode. This mode allows you to become familiar
with the keys and its reactions. The detector has connectors on both sides. Below the
ON/OFF-switch is the coil connector. It has a protecting cap prohibiting coming dirt
and moisture in it. Please put this cap always on if you don’t use the instrument. Al-
ways obey to fix the connector tide when you connect the coil. A bad connection
causes uncontrollable currents which can destroi the power amplifier.
On the other side are the load- and the headphone connectors and the communica-
tion connector. Headphones with a minimum impedanz of 32 Ohm and 6 mm con-
nector can be used. It should have the possibility to adjust the loudness. The internal
loudspeaker will be switched off when pugging in the connector. The input for the
charger is a 2.1 mm connector. More unter point charging.
The communication connector is a Sub-D9 female connector. This connector will be
necessary for the future software expandation for connecting a personal computer.
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