DTI GmbH & Co. KG
Another parameter which influences the detecting is the ‘OBJEKTGROESSE’ – ob-
ject size - .
Again set the parameters to factory settings. Chose the parameter ‘OB-
JEKTGROESSE’ – object size – by pushbutton ‘F1’. By this parameter you can filter
out small objects in low depth or big objects at the edges of the coil. You can com-
pare that to following process:
You detect a coin, increase the height of the coil until the detection signal vanishes. A
little distance far away there are several coins. You will have a signal at the same
height. Go back to the single coin. If you now increase the ‘OBJECTGROESSE’ –
object size – at a height you had before until the signal vanishes, you will not see this
single coin any more, even if it was lying directly above a bigger object. A bigger ob-
ject lying deeper can be filtered out in the same way. Big objects always have the
characteristic that they produce a constant signal above the complete area. Mineral-
ized soils have the same characteristic and can be filtered out in the same way.
When testing this parameters do as with the ‘Suchspeicher’ - searching memory - .
The searching memory should always be set to 10 – 15.
By this parameter also frame coils will be calibrated. This parameters are working
with frame coils 50 cm – 200 cm x 100 cm. Do a reference when using this coils by
turning them by 90° - the active area showing in direction of air.
Now turn the active area to the soil. You will get a permanent signal. Increase the
height above the soil and check a bigger area. Now increase the ‘OB-
JECTGROESSE’ – object size – until the signal makes changes during movement
above the area.
Not again do a reference (coil showing to the air). Never do a reference with the ac-
tive area of the coil showing to the soil. Do the calibration step by step – parameter
reference and parameter object size. The second possibility is you are receiving no
signal but the right part of the spectrum display shows a reaction. This corresponds
to the description below ‘Suchspeicher’ – searching memory - . Increase the ‘Ob-
jektgroesse’ – object size – until the detection signal shows up again. Do a reference
as described.
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