DTI GmbH & Co. KG
The characteristic of the soil and of the objects are being stored in the reference
memory and only changes of the intensity of signal will be detected. So you need to
do the reference (storing in reference memory) either in the air, with big distance to
the soil or when tilting the coil. Do the reference always in the air when you want to
compensate lowering of the battery voltage or other thermal relating drifting. Other-
wise you will loose sensitivity. The reference should be done step by step. To pin-
point a strong signal move away from the point and go back step by step doing the
reference from time to time. Only the strongest signal will remain.
The display always starts with the active parameter ‘TONGENERATOR’ – Tone
Generator’ (150) above the pushbutton ‘F1’. Now press pushbutton ‘F3’. The value
will increase. Hold this pushbutton until the first click tones can be heart. Up to now
this value had to be produced by the object before you could hear a click. This value
now is the new threshold. The response is increased now. Test it with your test ob-
ject. By the parameter ‘TONGENERATOR’ – Tone Generator – you adjust the
threshold of the acoustic signal.
Now choose the parameter ‚AUDIOVERSTAERKER’ – Audio Amplifier – by the
pushbutton ‚F1’. Here you multiply the number of clicks by the chosen value. If you
have a click rate of 10 clicks per second and your adjusted value is 10 you will get
100 clicks per second. Smallest detection changes can be heart by this feature. For
big objects this value should not be too high.
By this parameters you are able to double the range of distance compared to the
starting parameters. So you should do several tests with different test object and this
parameters. Especially when testing in the air in is recommended to use the refer-
ence after changes of parameters. Because of missing movement of the coil little
signal changes do have an influence.
All the parameter below the pushbutton ‘F1’ are adjustable online. They take effect
immediately. So it is possible to do changes above the detected object.
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