DTI GmbH & Co. KG
A further parameter influencing the detecting results is the ‚SUCHEMPFINDLICH-
KEIT’ – searching sensitivity - . This setting should be only changed if very week de-
tecting signals can be seen. Set all discussed parameters to factory settings and do a
reference (press ‘Referenz’).
Chose the parameter ‘SUCHEMPFINDLICHKEIT’ by pushbutton ‘F1’. All incoming
measured values will be influenced by this setting. Every change of the value has to
be confirmed by ‘Referenz’ for being token over to the memory. So every measured
value is multiplied if it has been multiplied in the ‘Audioverstärker’ - audio amplifier - .
That can cause instability if the values are too high. So it has to be checked in the
field which settings are useable.
For the test increase the value. The detector will now react showing the maximum
detecting display. Now you have to press ‘Referenz’ to pass this settings to the
memory. It is not recommendable to do this reference automatically because you
might not notice it or the coil might not be in the correct position. That could cause
week signals being eliminated (See ‘REFERENZ’). Combine the test with parameters
‘SUCHSPEICHER’ – searching memory - and ‘AUTIOVERSTAERKER’ – audio am-
plifier - . It is possible that you are not able to do the test up to the maximum of all
values in you test room. When doing the reference in a noisy environment or during
high settings of amplifying values it will happen that you eliminate some noise. For
that reason it is recommended to do 2 – 3 references. After a short time you will rec-
ognize a “wrong reference”. You should do the settings with various objects (size and
material). Also it is recommended to chose a reference object. This object should be
carried with when using the detector. So you can always compare the known behav-
iour with the behaviour at the field e. g. do a calibration to adapt the detector to the
soil. To detect coins or other flat objects the coil should be tipped and moved. The
response can be different depending on the location and position.
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