Chapter 10: Downloading Programming Sections
Downloading Options
1 Ring Detect
Ring Detect Enabled.
The system will answer incoming calls from the downloading
computer after the number of rings programmed in Section [74].
Ring Detect Disabled.
The system will not answer incoming calls. Downloading must
be performed with the User-Initiated, Installer-Initiated or Periodic Downloading functions.
2 Answering Machine Override
Answering Machine Override Disabled.
The system will only answer incoming calls
after the number of rings programmed in Section [74].
Answering Machine Override Enabled.
The system may be connected to the same
telephone line as an answering machine. To override the answering machine, have
the downloading computer call the system and let the line ring only once or twice
then hang up the line. If the system is called back within 60 seconds, the system will
answer on the first ring.
3 Downloading Call-back
Downloading Call-back Enabled.
The system and the downloading computer will
both hang up after the system answers the call from the downloading computer. The
system will then call the Downloading Telephone Number programmed in Section
[71] and establish communications. If more than one downloading computer is to be
used, this feature should be disabled. If the Downloading Lead-In Code is
programmed, the system will transmit the code to the monitoring station before calling
the downloading computer.
Downloading Call-back Disabled.
The downloading computer will have immediate
access to the system once the Downloading Access Code is confirmed as a valid
4 User-Initiated Downloading
User-Initiated Downloading Enabled.
The user may initiate downloading by
pressing the
-YES Key when prompted on the Keypad.
User-Initiated Downloading is a Master Code Function; after
entering the Master Code, scroll until the message shown here is
displayed. Press the
-YES Key to initiate downloading.
For User-Initiated Downloading to function, a Downloading Telephone Number must be
programmed in Section [71]. Also, the downloading computer must be waiting for the
system to call before downloading can be performed.
The user should be provided with instructions as to how and when to use the User-
Initiated Downloading Function.
User-Initiated Downloading Disabled
5 Periodic Downloading
Periodic Downloading Enabled.
This system will automatically place a call to the
downloading computer at the time programmed in Section [40] Test Transmission
Time of Day, and at the interval, in days, programmed in Section [39] Communication
Variables. If both Test Transmission and Periodic Downloading are enabled, the
system will transmit the test transmission first and will then call the downloading
computer. A Downloading Telephone Number must be programmed in Section [71]
Downloading Telephone Number.
Periodic Downloading Disabled.
The system will not place calls to the downloading
computer automatically. Calls to the downloading computer must be initiated using
the User-Initiated or the Installer-Initiated Downloading functions.
For Future Use
Indicates default setting
Chapter 10: Downloading Programming Sections