Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
Instructions for use Babylog 8000 plus SW 5.n
Visual inspection
Check all items for damage and external signs
of wear, such as cracking, embrittlement, or
pronounced hardening, and residual dirt.
Sterilization eliminates living microorganisms from
semicritical medical devices and dries residual
water in the interior of components.
Sterilize only components that have been
cleaned and disinfected.
For sterilization, use a vacuum steam sterilizer (in
accordance with DIN EN 285), preferably with
fractional vacuum.
Risk due to faulty accessories
Even reusable accessories have a limited service
life, e.g., disinfectant residues can corrode the
material during autoclaving. External signs of
wear can occur, e.g., cracks, deformations,
discolorations, or peeling.
If there are external signs of wear, exchange
affected accessories.
The service life of the breathing circuit "HF Fisher
& Paykel" (8411153) may be shorter than the
service life of the breathing circuit (8411041).
The ventilation hoses must be replaced if cracks
are present or the spiral ribbing is detached.
In the case of discoloration, which may occur
following frequent reprocessing, replacement is
not necessary.