The manufacturer suggests to read this manual carefully.
This Jet Air oven is manufactured with first quality material by experienced technicians. Proper
installation and maintenance will guarantee a reliable service for years to come.
A nameplate fixed to the front or right side of the oven specifies the model number, type of combustible,
BTU rating, operating pressures, serial number, voltage and amperage.
Drawings and replacement parts numbers are included in this manual. The electrical diagram is affixed in
the control panel at the back of the oven.
DOYON is not responsible for damages to the property or the equipment caused
by personnel who is not certified by known organisations. The customer is
responsible for finding qualified technicians in gas, electricity and plumbing for
the installation of the oven.
You just bought the most advanced gas fired oven in the world, "DOYON" technology at its best. This
gas fired oven is manufactured using the highest quality components and material.
The oven gives a perfect uniform baking with its unique Jet Air convection system. The DOYON oven is
designed with parts that are easy to find.
For your safety, this equipment has been verified by qualified technicians and carefully crated before
shipment. The freight company assumes full responsibility concerning the delivery in good condition of
the equipment in accepting to transport it.
Take care to verify that the received equipment is not damaged before signing the delivery receipt. If a
damage or a lost part is noticed, write it clearly on the receipt. If it is noticed after the carrier has left,
contact immediately the freight company in order that they do their inspection.
We do not assume the responsibility for damages or losses that may occur during transportation.