The burner goes to lock-out because of:
Flame failure:
The spark is irregular or not present:
The air pressure switch does not close its
The burner is equipped with multiple interlocked safety devices.
In the event of a failure of the flame or any blockage of the
combustion air supply or exhaust, the burner will "lock out" in
the safety condition.
Air has not been bled from the gas line.
Porcelain insulators cracked (very little crack is enough).
Spark probe grounded.
It may be disconnected, incorrectly set or defective or maybe
the blower is not running.
Uneven baking.
Verify that hot air diffuser and convection air intake is not block.
Do not use foil on the grills.
Verify the temperature of the oven by using an oven thermometer
and make sure that it is even with the thermostat setting.
If steam device of the oven does not work
Check if the water supply valve (of the building) is open.
Verify if water manual shut off valve located behind the control
panel is open.
Steam injection is not permitted if actual oven temperature is
below 250F
The oven must be idling at temperature over 350F for at least 15
minutes to get a good amount of steam
Verify if “Y” filter is clean (First, turn the water manual shut off
valve OFF and bleed the line by having the appliance
injecting water.)
Check the solenoid valve.