Safety Station Technical Service Manual
GD-99009 Rev. B
R e p la ce m ent I t e ms
P o we r Su p ply
There is not a substitute power supply replacement. The power supply must be replaced with the following:
Manufacturer: Condor
Model #: GLM75 Medical
Contact DMS for replacement parts at 1-888-466-6633.
R ep l ac eme nt Fuses
Two sets of replacement fuses are located on the main circuit board. Fuse specifications are as follows:
Fuse Replacement for the main ICB- 250V 5A time delayed fuse.
Fuse Replacement for the evacuation pump- 250 V 8A time delayed fuse.
P er m anen t P owe r C o r d
Contact DMS for replacement only (see components part list), Procedure for replacement (correct connection &
anchoring) are provided with the replacement power cord.
S p are P ar ts Ki t
Part numbers for the unit’s supplied parts kit is #TPSS Spare Parts 110. It contains the most common replacement
parts for the unit and is located inside the TPSS’s cabinet. The parts can be reordered at any time by contacting
Customer Service at 1-888-466-6633.