Safety Station Technical Service Manual
GD-99009 Rev. B
Figure 8 - Reusable 2800cc Canister
S te p 3 – Re mo ve Can i ste rs a nd Lid s
When the canisters are finished processing, the TPSS Lid will automatically open. Remove each canister (Figure 8) by
grasping the top rim and turning counter clockwise. Place canisters on a clean rack or drying tree (Figure 9) to air dry.
Remove canister lids from the lid basket and discard according to hospital policy.
A d di ng Ble a ch and En z yme :
Please fill bleach and enzyme tanks (Figure 10) when an alarm sounds indicating a low solution level. Either “Bleach
Low” or “Enzyme Low” will appear on the control panel display (Figure 7).
NOTE: Do Not add more than one gallon of fluid to solution reservoir.
Figure 9 - Canister Drying Tree
Figure 10 – Adding Chemicals