Safety Station Technical Service Manual
GD-99009 Rev. B
Un i t In f or m a ti on an d E rr o r Mes s ages
The TPSS provides the operator feedback for common operating errors via the display panel. The most common
messages are described below. The display can also display a unique numerical error code. Record this code before
contacting customer service. Please call DMS at 1-888-466-6633 for assistance with any error message.
Warning or Error
Action Required
Leak Detected
: This message indicates that there has
been a leak detected within the unit. The unit alarms at the
end of the cycle when canisters have completed the
cleaning and disinfection process.
Check all supply lines for correct connection. Call
service if necessary.
Remove Obstruction:
This message provides notice
that an obstruction has occurred while rotating one or
both of the canisters.
Check basin for source of obstruction and remove it, if
found. Call service if necessary. Reprocess canisters once
problem is resolved.
Bleach Low:
This message indicates that the unit is
running low on bleach. The unit alarms at the end of
the cycle when canisters have completed the cleaning
and disinfection process.
Refill unit with up to 1 gallon of bleach.
Bleach Out:
This message indicates that the unit
contains no bleach for the disinfecting process. The unit
alarms at the end of the cycle, but the canisters have not
been disinfected.
Refill unit with up to 1 gallon of bleach and reprocess
canisters. If error continues, please call service.
Enzyme Low
: This message indicates that the Enzyme
solution is running low. The unit alarms at the end of
the cycle when canisters have completed the cleaning
and disinfection process.
Refill unit with up to 1 gallon of enzyme.
Verify Disinfection:
This message indicates that the
unit did not detect the flow of bleach and that the
canister may not be disinfected.
Refill unit with up to 1 gallon of bleach and reprocess
canisters. If error continues, please call service.