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F-710-017, V1.2 TCM 330 / TCM 330U User Manual | v1.1 | August 2016 | Page 25/62
TCM 330 / TCM 330U
Wireless LED Controller Module
PWM output functionality
The minimum output voltage can be configured using MinVoltageLevel (default 10% =
1.0V) and the maximum output using MaxVoltageLevel (default 100% = 10.0V). Dimming
below MinVoltageLevel or above MaxVoltageLevel is not possible.
Level and ramp percentage levels given throughout this document refer to the interval be-
tween MinVoltageLevel (1%) and MaxVoltageLevel (100%). An output level of 0% equals
OFF state.
Status message functionality
LED zone controller based on TCM 330 can report their current status at random intervals
to a central controller or gateway. This functionality can be used both to enable system
status control and to provide status visualization via a user interface.
TCM 330 can transmit a status message based on EnOcean Equipment Profile (EEP)
D2-40-00 after each change of its output state (event-based messages) or periodically with
a random delay after the StatusMessageTimer has elapsed.
Status messages can be switched off completely by setting StatusMessageTimer to 0.
Setting StatusMessageTimer to 0xFFFF will cause only event-based messages to be sent.
The following parameters are reported as part of the status message:
Output state (OFF / ON)
0x0: Output state = OFF
0x1: Output state = ON
Output dim level
0x00 = 0%
0xC8 = 100%
Cause for transmitting the status message
0x0 = Event
0x1 = Heartbeat
Occupancy state
0x0 = not occupied (OccAutoOffTimer has timed out)
0x1 = occupied
0x2 = unknown (No occupancy information available)
Daylight harvesting mode
0x0: Daylight harvesting not active (no light level sensor is linked)
0x1: Daylight harvesting active (light level sensor is linked)
Demand response mode
0x0: Demand response mode is not active
0x1: Demand response mode is active