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F-710-017, V1.2 TCM 330 / TCM 330U User Manual | v1.1 | August 2016 | Page 35/62
TCM 330 / TCM 330U
Wireless LED Controller Module
Five point dimming
Five point dimming is implemented based on a continuous user-defined dimming curve
which specifies the relationship between reported natural light level and requested output
(artificial) light level.
The general principle is that more reported natural light (input) should lead to less request-
ed artificial light (output); therefore the dimming curve should be falling.
The dimming curve is defined based on five points. Each of these points is defined by the
correspondence between a reported natural light level (LEV1 … LEV5) and a requested out-
put light level (OUT1 … OUT5).
The dimming curve must be defined monotonous, i.e. LEV1 < LEV2 < LEV3 < LEV4 < LEV5.
In most circumstances, the requested output light level will also be monotonous, i.e.
OUT1 >= OUT2 >= OUT3 >= OUT4 >= OUT5. This is however not a requirement from a
technical point of view.
The default dimming curve is shown below.
Note that for reported natural illumination levels smaller than the one defined by point 1,
the output illumination level defined by point 1 will be used. In many applications this illu-
mination level will be 100%.
Similarly, for reported illumination levels greater than the one defined by point 5, the out-
put illumination level defined by point 5 will be used. In many applications this illumination
level will be 0 %.
Linear interpolation between the two neighbouring supporting points will be used for re-
ported illumination levels between the five defined points.
The transition speed for each part of the curve is defined using RAMP12, RAMP23, RAMP34
and RAMP45 parameters and is applied based on the target light level. I.e. if the target
light level is between point 4 and 5 then the ramp speed RAMP45 is used irrespective of the
current light level.