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F-710-017, V1.2 TCM 330 / TCM 330U User Manual | v1.1 | August 2016 | Page 33/62
TCM 330 / TCM 330U
Wireless LED Controller Module
Wireless light level sensors
Energy harvesting wireless light level sensors in conjunction with LED zone controllers help
reduce energy cost by automatically adjusting the light level according to the amount of
incoming light (typically daylight).
This process of adjusting the required illumination by considering the external light is
sometimes referred to as “Daylight Harvesting”.
Implementing Daylight Harvesting is specified as part of Title 24 regulation.
Energy harvesting light level sensors are usually either ceiling-mounted in close proximity
to the window from where incoming light is expected. It is important to set them up such
that they only react to incoming (i.e. external) light and not to the internal lighting system.
The picture below shows an example of a ceiling-mounted energy harvesting wireless light
level sensor which can be used in conjunction with TCM 330U.
Detailed information about this ceiling-mounted energy harvesting wireless light level sen-
sor can be found here: