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F-710-017, V1.2 TCM 330 / TCM 330U User Manual | v1.1 | August 2016 | Page 26/62
TCM 330 / TCM 330U
Wireless LED Controller Module
Repeater functionality
LED zone controller based on TCM 330 can provide repeater functionality.
Repeaters are used to extend radio range as they retransmit received telegrams after a
random delay. TCM 330 supports both first level repeating (repeating only original tele-
grams) and second level repeating (where telegrams from a first level repeater are repeat-
ed for a second time).
Repeating in general and second level repeating in particular should be used only if re-
quired based on careful planning as it significantly increases radio traffic and thereby the
likelihood of radio telegram collisions.
TCM 330 provides the option for Link-based Repeating where only such telegrams are re-
peated that originate from devices that TCM 330 is linked to. This Link-based Repeating
option is enabled by default and should be disabled only if required.