Diver6 User Manual
Section 5: Page 76 of 87
button (Figure 73) is used when a Dive Master wants to document an event during the dive.
The left column provides a free form text area for the Dive Master to enter notes. Pressing the
button below the text area will add the note to the note history with a date/time stamp. Observe only
one line of the note will be shown but the entire note is saved. If the Dive Master wants to delete a
previously entered note, he or she may select the note in the right list area and press the
Delete Selected
button. When the dive is completed, the recorded notes are included in the full dive report.
Figure 73: Notes Screen
Dive Plan
Dive Plan
button will allow the Dive Master to return to the Dive Plan screen to complete the dive,
add additional divers to the water, or remove divers that are on the surface to complete their individual
dives. The dive plan text fields may also be edited on the screen. This allows the Dive Master to
dynamically manipulate the dive for any number of reasons (e.g. replacing a diver that is tired, allowing a
diver to surface to swap out equipment, etc.).