5 Configurations on Web Interface
1S1O User Manual
Copyright©2011-2016 Dinstar
Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol
is another tunneling protocol used to connect a
remote client to a private server over the Internet. PPTP is an enhanced security protocol
which supports VPN. And its security can be enhanced through PAP (Password
Authentication Protocol) and EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol).
is a kind of VPN based on the application layer of OpenSSL. It allows VPN
clients to use a sahred key, certificates or username/password to authenticate themselves.
UC100-1G1S1O works as a PPTP client and is connected to PPTP server.
Figure 5-40 UC100 Works as PPTP Client
Table 5-11 Explanation of Parameters for PPTP Client
Whether to enable the PPTP client function (UC100-1G1S1O works as
PPTP client)
Default Route
Whether to enable default route;
If default route is enabled, data are transmitted between PPTP client
and PPTP server through VPN route; if it is not enabled, data are
transmitted between PPTP client and PPTP server through network’s
outbound route.
Data Encryption
Whether to encrypt data during data transmission
Server Address
The IP address of the PPTP server that assigns account to PPTP client
The username of the account assigned by PPTP server to PPTP client
The password of the account assigned by PPTP server to PPTP client