User’s Manual
NTSC Version
D i g i m e r g e T e c h n o l o g i e s I n c .
3 0 0 A l d e n R o a d
M a r k h a m
O n t a r i o
C a n a d a
L 3 R 4 C 1
t e l : ( 9 0 5 ) 9 4 6 - 8 4 7 7
f a x : ( 9 0 5 ) 9 4 7 - 0 1 3 8
not exceeding 15 characters and your special attention required when you are setting
with the DDNS server.
e) ROUTER : If you are using the ROUTER for the internet connection, you could set it
“YES”. Otherwise select “NO”.
Selecting “YES ” will enable the unit to update the public IP to the DDNS server to ensure
the solid remote connecting.
When registering for the DDNS service, you cannot exceed 15 characters for the
user name, password, or domain name.
If you execute the DEFAULT SET, the previous data you have put for the DDNS will be
automatically deleted. You need to set the data again.
0, 5: Update Successful
1, 6: Server Connection Error
Other Codes : Program Error
7.13 EXIT
Exits the MENU mode.