Digital Miniatur
e Car
d Reader T
Digital Miniature Card Reader Tools
When you install the driver software for the M Card Reader, four Digital
Miniature Card Reader Tools and a single Read Me file are installed as
• MiniCard Binary Utility
• MiniCard Format
• MiniCard Polling Control Application
• MiniCard Read Me
• MiniCard Uninstall
You may use the three utility tools described in the following sections. Do
NOT use the MiniCard Format utility to format M cards (they must be
formatted only in your Walkabout Express portable). Note that the Read Me
file duplicates information in this manual.
Using the MiniCard Binary Utility to Upgrade Walkabout Express Software
The Minicard Binary Utility allows you to upgrade the software on your
Walkabout Express digital portable. You can use the utility to copy new
software application code to an M card, then insert the M card into your
Walkabout Express portable to download the code to the portable.
Copy the New Application Code:
Perform the following steps to copy new Walkabout Express application
code to an M card:
Insert a 2-Megabyte M Card into the M Card Reader. (See Inserting an M
Card into the Reader.)
Make sure that the small, write-protect tab inside the right edge of
the card is in the up or unlock position.
Click Start on the Windows taskbar.
Select Programs from the Start menu.
Select Digital Miniature Card Reader Tools.
Click on the MiniCard Binary Utility.