DESOI GmbH | Gewerbestraße 16 | D-36148 Kalbach | Phone +49 6655 9636-0 | Fax +49 6655 9636-6666 | [email protected] |
This symbol indicates that there may be an emission of fluid under pressure.
This symbol indicates that cutting injuries may occur.
Other signs:
Useful instructions about handling the product. It indicates potential difficulties.
This symbol indicates that professional disposal with respect to returning components, production and consumer waste
must be guaranteed within the economic cycle.
Mandatoty signs:
Wear suitable work clothing!
Wear eye protection!
Wear foot protection!
Wear ear protection!
Wear hand protection!
Disconnect power supply!
Observe the product operating manual for the required accessories as well as the
technical data sheets and safety data sheets for the pumping medium!
Indicates an immediate high-risk health hazard to people's lives.
Indicates an immediate danger with a medium risk to human health,
and under certain circumstances to people's lives.
Indicates an immediate hazard with low risk or a potentially dangerous situation.
Provides tips and valuable information about the correct handling of each product
for the user.
Health hazard!
Indicates an immediate hazard of increased health risk and possibly risk to
people's lives, other living beings and the environment