DESOI GmbH | Gewerbestraße 16 | D-36148 Kalbach | Phone +49 6655 9636-0 | Fax +49 6655 9636-6666 | [email protected] |
When operating the product above the direct earth surface, there is a high risk of injury for persons who are in the
immediate vicinity below the place of installation. Hazards are caused by:
falling of the product
falling of separate components
falling accessories
An increased risk of injury also exists for users, who may slip, stumble or fall.
Always lay the supply lines in such a way that they do not represent an additional source of risk.
Sufficient safety must always be ensured for users and products to be used.
With the DESOI PowerInject P1, injection work is carried out in connection with approved feed materials
for the purpose of building maintenance / building renovation. The main focus is on small short-term
work assignments.
Fields of application:
the product may only be used
"commercially or industrially".
Starting materials:
The materials that may be processed are:
EP resins
PUR foams
PUR resins
aqueous solutions
Environmental requirements:
Care must be taken to ensure the following:
Controls must be freely accessible
Adequate ventilation must be ensured
The machine must stand level and stable; tipping or rolling away should be prevented.
The machine should only be installed and used where no objects can fall on it.
This must be additionally ensured if the machine is operated above ground. It must also
be ensured that there is no risk of falling components or accessories.
When working outdoors, the machine must be protected from severe weather.
Wheels, supports, and foundations should not sink into the ground.
Climatic conditions from 5° to 45°C
It is important that the specifications of the technical data sheets of the respective
processing materials are adhered to.
Maximum 1000 m above sea level