TMC 188/40 Motion Control Module
Appendix E: Sample Ladder Logic
Delta Computer Systems, Inc. 360/254-8688
│ └─────────────┘
│ This rung copies a different 6, 16-bit words from V125
│ through V130 to the V Memory command registers of Axis 1.
│ For example, if the following values are in the table, the
│ axis will move to 20000 with a Speed of 15000 and Accel and
│ Decel terms of 200:
│ Term Table Value Command Reg.
│ Mode V125 1 V451
│ Accel V126 200 V452
│ Decel V127 200 V453
│ Speed V128 15000 V454
│ Position V129 20000 V455
│ Command V130 71 V456
│ MOVW──────────┐ Don't Care
│ │ │ Coil
│ │ State 5 │
│ X3 3 │ Command │ C8
32 ├─┤ ├───:O:───│ │─────────────────────────────( )
│ │ A:V125 │
│ │ Mode Words │
│ │ │
│ │ Axis 1 │
│ │ B:V451 │
│ │ N=6 │
│ └─────────────┘